Copyright information
All photos on this website are owned by and are copyrighted. The beautiful pictures on this website are a result of my hardwork, so please do not copy them or use them unless you seek my prior permission in writing.
Send me an email at [email protected] to seek permission to use any picture on this website.
Each recipe is posted after testing them multiple times to ensure we give our readers authentic recipe giving them a flawless result every time they make it. Do not copy these recipes.
If you run a food blog and would like to use any of my baking recipes on your blog, I would love to be a part of it. Please take my prior permission through email and do not copy or re-use any of my writing or pictures on this blog used in the original recipe link. A backlink is important for all such co-operations.
Web Articles
The articles on this website are written by me and I do not allow you to copy or re-use any of the text for your website, food blog or food business. It is NOT ALLOWED.
Any more questions regarding using any published material on this website? Please email us at [email protected].